Young female strobili can be first detected by sectioning buds in March. These buds (approx. 7 mm in diameter) remain dormant until early September. They then open and the strobili grow rapidly, so that they are 1~20 mm in diameter
when ready for pollination in SeptemberNovember.Fertilisation possibly occurs about 1 year later. The seed becomes ripe and the female cones disintegrate on the trees over several weeks from late February, about 17 months after
pollination (Sando 1936). Eames (1913) appears to be in error in stating that he found 3 stages of female
cone development in October. The second and third stages he mentions can be from 2 to 5 em in diameter
and represent a single stage of development from which mature cones 5-7.5 em in diameter develop
by the folIowing February.Buds containing developing male strobili can be detected in February (Sando 1936). In March when the buds open the strobili are up to 15 mm long. By the time they are producing pollen in SeptemberOctober
the strobili are 2-5 cm long.