Overview: The next time we meet as a class, we will begin Ant igone, a play written in or before 441 BC. Before we begin reading, it’s important that you become well versed in three areas: Greek theater, Oedipus Rex (Oedipus the King), and Oedipus at C olonus. You have been working incredibly hard these past two
weeks and instead of lecturing on these topics, I want you to do the lecturing (sort of).
Task: With a partner, I will assign you one of the topics to become an expert on. Once you are given your topic, it will be up to you to investigate, research, and explain the pieces that you think are necessary and/or helpful in terms of understanding Antigone. How will you do this? Well, think of those late night infomercials that come on television that spend 28 minutes explaining why the given product is necessary for you to have in your life. Is one popping up in your head? Good, because I want you to do the same thing, but with either Greek theater or one of the first two plays of the Oedipus trilogy ( Oedipus Rex and Oed ipus at Colonus).
Your infomercial will need to be:
1. 30 sec onds of real, valid information
2. High energy (music, dance, sound effects, etc)
3. Visually appealing
4. Clear and coherent
You will have 30 minutes to complete this task. Once your time is up, we will watch the videos, take notes, and then take an infomercial quiz based on the information presented.