To encourage foraging behavior, we deprived birds of food from 12 to 20 h before the trials (following Fernández-Juricic et al., 2012). We tested for differences in behaviors and body mass in birds with different food deprivation times and found no significant effects (results available upon request). Thus, we had no evidence that individuals with longer deprivation times were adversely affected. Prior to each trial, we scattered 5 g of white millet on to the substrate. At the start of each trial, a single bird was placed in the enclosure and allowed to acclimate for a period of time (2 min in the experiment 1A, and 3 min in experiment 1B) after it first pecked. After acclimating, we exposed the bird to a treatment phase of 5 min, during which the radar was either on or off. Finally, there was a 5 min after-treatment phase during which the radar was off. Individuals were only tested once in the enclosure. We measured the body mass of the birds before they were placed in the enclosure. We recorded ambient temperature using a handheld Kestrel 3500 weather meter.