In contrast, objective factors play a lesser role
in QOL discussions. Objective factors such as income,
housing, and education impinge on QOL
(Marshall, 1990). Lee (2002) bases the QOL of Korean
cities on wages and housing expenditures. Chan
and Yu (2004) in their QOL work with schizophrenic
patients, report that financial difficulties, unemployment,
and lack of social relations have an effect on QOL
In contrast, objective factors play a lesser rolein QOL discussions. Objective factors such as income,housing, and education impinge on QOL(Marshall, 1990). Lee (2002) bases the QOL of Koreancities on wages and housing expenditures. Chanand Yu (2004) in their QOL work with schizophrenicpatients, report that financial difficulties, unemployment,and lack of social relations have an effect on QOL
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