There are still many things we don’t know, but if we’ve come across one,
That’s the start of an adventure! Isn’t it so exciting?
Where’s our map to the future? We’ve no idea, so we might as well just make one!
Just include a lot of hidden points along the way, please!
Our hearts so warm and fluffy – we want to share this warm feeling with everyone!
Does it sound boring? It’s not! Let’s do this, that, and everything!
Like a gust of wind, we flew out! (We flew out!)
Going beyond even tomorrow! (Going clear beyond!)
In this heart-racing Poporon, glimmering sounds resound –
But so at ease and carefree, we never run out of things to say!
Sparkling, we dance along! (We dance along!)
A pirouette amid streaming light! (Round ‘n’ round!)
Lightly joining hands, let our footsteps ring out as we go!
Cute things! Tasty things! This identical time we share!
I love it when we’re together!