sense if trends and market issues that would be really important to research during the study in phase 2 the lead user study is launched with an in-depth exploration have need related trends the goal is to identify a specific set of major needs the present strong new product or service opportunities during a trend investigation we cast our net broadly for expert and varied fields who could point us to cutting-edge market opportunities for example we interviewed a leading international expert on the dangers have antibiotic overuse we also consulted with the renowned expert in sources as skin contamination another very informative interview was it a prominent US Army Surgeon he was pioneering and non-invasive technique for actually nay gating potential sources the skin bacteria after about six weeks have been interviewing in reading teams go through an intensive process %uh be evaluating and selecting the needs that will be the focus of concept generation in the next phase is on the study in phase 3 the focus on the lead user study ships to acquiring new product and service ideas during this phase teams typically visit the sites have select lead users to observe first-hand their needs an innovative solution ideas at this point in our study our team realized that developing countries could present a major growth opportunity for our business and we had a lot more to learn about the health care needs in these regions sewing pairs team members fanned out to a number of different countries in Asia and South America we devoted a month to visiting hospitals and observing surgery he also interviewed experts in microbiology and infectious diseases in Malaysia for example we learned from lead user practitioners how with limited resources they achieved a very cost-effective an efficient infection prevention at the conclusion a phase 3 teams have a portfolio of promising solution concepts these concepts are further developed in the fourth and final phase of the study a lead user workshop is the central activity a phase 4 for the workshop a small group a lead users and top experts join the team to do intensive design work and problem-solving over a two- to three-day period we brought in a group B eleven lead users and leading experts from diverse fields for workshop this is the overall task we gave the attendees at the workshop for feel we've done that yeah at least three concepts with dynamic elements in them come out of here concepts about what product concepts that dramatically improved microbial control in the surgical settings up today and possibly tomorrow with significantly improved cost during the workshop small groups were formed to work on generating initial product concepts then every two to three hours the whole group convened to refinance evaluate the solution ideas that had been generated the lead user attendees were carefully selected for their leading-edge expertise in different aspects other workshop task a very dear the HD rio gets the better go get it every know but I he didn't do anything because I love mostly with navigation and 10 they say he's done discovered a groundout and wanted to make a nice officials and sector benchmark up was the developer have artificial skin and chemicals that enhance interaction with Ken we sell third 38,000 especially with this is the third largest hospital in the US Postal my patients till Bay yeah up next okay thanks to are you close to me yeah I ideal situation where there this here cause a lot of hugo's grapes doctor robert reich the leading veterinary surgeon he has achieved low infection rates and a very demanding conditions and even at low cost when I could bring to the group isn't do so silicone engineers and other materials in to cast fine archer they're here to this kid work with the skin the term casting her impassioned this is Mike to follow make-up specialist for Broadway productions we wanted his expertise in adhering materials to irregular skin surfaces after the lead user workshop teams to a final refinement of concepts and make their recommendations to management as a result of the lead users study and management developed a much better long-range business strategy in addition the study produced concepts for five different families have products and three these have progressed to prototype testing with customers as you have seen the lead user research process requires hard work and a very
talented team but when the goal is breakthrough lead user methods will put your firm on the fast track to exciting new products and services