We manually inspected rejected patches from two open source projects, Eclipse and Mozilla, which use Bugzilla to track issues, patches, and patch reviews. Although both are large projects with a mature issue tracking system, our findings might not generalize to other software projects and those who use different issue tracking or patch review systems. For example, the Gerrit code review system provides the Deckard Autoverifier to automatically verify if a commit builds and merges successfully [26][27]. Only those verified commits proceed to be reviewed by human developers. Hence, for projects that use Gerrit for patch review, we might barely observe patches that are rejected by reviewers for compilation errors. To minimize this threat caused by different projects and patch review mechanisms, we derived the list of patchrejection reasons from multiple sources. Specifically, the initial list of patch-rejection reasons identified from our manual inspection was confirmed and supplemented by our online survey respondents and the past literature.