แปลบทคThe aim of this work is to evaluate the effects of freshwater pollution in the heavily contaminated Sarno
River (Campania, South Italy), using Pellia neesiana (Pelliaceae Metzgeriales) in order to propose this liverwort
as a potential bioindicator, able to record the effects of water pollution, particularly the one related
to metal (loid) contamination. Samples of P. neesiana in nylon bags were disposed floating for one week
on the waters of Sarno River in three sites characterised by an increasing pollution. As control, some
specimens were cultured in vitro in Cd- and Pb-added media, at the same pollutants’ levels as measured
in the most polluted site. P. neesiana cell ultrastructure was modified and severe alterations were
observed in chloroplasts from samples exposed in the most polluted site, and Cd- and Pb-cultured samples.
Concurrently, a strong increase in the occurrence of Heat shock proteins 70 (HSP70) was detected
in gametophytes following the pollution gradient. In conclusion, ultrastructural damages can be directly
related to HSP 70 occurrence in liverwort tissues, and proportional to the degree of pollution present in
the river; thus our study suggests P. neesiana as an affordable bioindicator of freshwaters pollutionวามวิจัย