The data set used in this study were obtained via a questionnaire
developed to determine the rate of satisfaction with HST
service in Turkey. The survey was given to a total of 420 randomly
chosen customers using HST vehicles or train stations in the metropolitan
cities of Istanbul and Ankara between September 9th
and November 17th, 2014. Customers who were not willing to
answer the questionnaire were not interviewed. As a general rule,
the minimum is to have at least five times as many observations as
there are variables to be analyzed, and the more acceptable range
would be a 10:1 ratio. Some researchers even propose a minimum
of 20 cases for each variable (Hair et al., 2009). If 21 service attributes
are being measured, the sample size should be a minimum
of 420. For that reason, a total of 420 surveys were completed,
but 27 questionnaires that were not properly filled out by
the respondents were not included in the study. Additional data
collection was not pursued due to time and resource constraints.
Thus, research data were obtained from a total of 393 questionnaires,
representing a response rate of 94%. The questionnaire
form comprised two parts. The first part included information
about the demographic profile and travel behavior of the customer.
The second part aimed to measure the HST customer’s rate of