6.2 Sub-Test 1: Construction
Table 4. Sub-Test 1 Results
Question 1: Would you be interested in sharing your narrative visualization with friends and family as a
way of sharing what you experienced on your visit?
Question 2: Did being able to construct a visual narrative improve your museum experience?
Question 3: Did the visual narratives that you constructed represent your experiences in an accurate
Question 4: How much do you agree with the following statement: "Making a visualization didn't take very
Question 5: How much do you agree with the following statement: "Making a visualization wasn't very
Question 6: How much do you agree with the following statement: "Making a visualization wasn't
frustrating. "
See Section 6.4 Ranked Satisfaction Results.
Question 7: Would you want more customization of the visualizations? (greater ability to configure or
reorder what content is presented)
Question 8: Would you want more personalization of the visualizations? (greater ability to change the style
and look of what is presented)
Question 9: How many visualizations would you like to choose from? (1 to 7 visualizations)
Question 10: Should the visualizations incorporate a greater variety of data and media? (audio, video, etc.)
The three questions dealing with effectiveness sought to ascertain how effective the
process was for the users to construct a visual narrative of their experiences was in
regards to core functionality and system goals. The questions asked the user to rate a
dichotomy and give a rating on a 7-point Likert scale. Overall the participants answered
these three questions with high ratings with an average of 5.7. The average standard error
was 0.21 or about one fifth of a point on the Likert scale. These results would indicate
that the users seemed to think that the construction process of the visual narratives and
the visual narratives themselves were effective tools.
The three questions dealing with operability sought to ascertain how operable and easy
the construction process was for the user. The questions asked the user to rate a
dichotomy and give a rating on a 7 point Likert scale. Overall the users answered these
questions with very high ratings with an average of 6.12. The average standard error was
0.21or less for all of them. Question 4 had a greater error range than the others where
users seemed to be of mixed opinion that the construction process took too long. These
results would indicate that the users seemed to think that the construction process of the
visual narratives was not a frustrating experience and within their skill and effort.
For the satisfaction results please see Section 6.4 Ranked Satisfaction Results.
The four questions dealing with flexibility sought to ascertain how flexible the system
was in regards to the customization and personalization of the visualizations. The average
rating was 5.12 with an average standard error of 0.29. Questions 7, 8, and 10 were rated
above 4 on average and so garnered a positive response. This seems to indicate
participants want greater control over the style and creation of the visualizations.
Question 9 asked users to choose, from 1 to 7, how many visualizations they would like
to choose from. With the average being 4it seems that overall four visualizations was
sufficient for the average participant but one more or less would also be acceptable.
Question 10.b (not shown in above table) was open ended and asked participants to list
what additional media they would like to be included. The following is a summary:
Table 5. Desired Additional Media
Data Type Amount of Suggestions
Audio of Exhibit (narrated information, sound effects,
Voice Notes/Journal 1
Video 10
Share on Social Media 1
Interactive Animation 3
6.3 Sub-Test 2: Viewing / Presentation
Table 6. Sub-Test 2 Results
Question 1: Do the visual narratives seem like effective ways of storing and sharing the experiences of
Question 2: How much do you agree with the following statement: "The visual narratives eased the
understanding of what someone else has experienced in the museum."
Question 3: How much do you agree with the following statement: "The dramatic narrative visualization
gave a sense of the users experiences in a personal manner."
Question 4: How much do you agree with the following statement: "The sequential narrative visualization
gave a sense of the users experiences as located in time and space."
Question 5: How much do you agree with the following statement: "The categorical narrative
visualization gave a sense of what the user learned and what information they explored in the museum."
Question 6: How much do you agree with the following statement: "The slideshow visualization gave a
sense of what the user experience