Miss Zi Yan glanced towards the back of the room, her stare clearly expressed how displeased she was with Ye Wei as he had already slept half the lesson away, despite her best efforts to make a bland topic sound relevant and interesting. But all this meant as little to Ye Wei as pearls do to pigs.
Even when Miss Zi Yan is angry, her elegance does not fade. The anger made her elegance even more attractive.
The boys sitting on Ye Wei’s left look disgusted by Ye Wei’s behaviour, fast asleep in their favourite teacher’s class. The disrespect was unbearable for them.
“Ye Wei you are the bloody disgrace of our class, how dare you sleep through Miss Zi Yan’s lessons!?”
“Maybe I didn’t kick his ass hard enough last time.”
The owner of these thoughts was a thirteen to fourteen years old looking teenager, Xiao Qi. Xiao Qi is always cold, it is evident in the way he is staring at Ye Wei right now, in the way he talks to others, and how he keeps a distance between himself and other human beings. Maybe it is due to the fact that he doesn’t need anyone. Top of the class, five stars Student, and the son of a South Star Academy senior instructor. Xiao is also an admirer of Miss Zi Yan.