Every honey contains Hydrogen Peroxide in various degrees, that is why honey in general is considered to be an antibacterial product.
The presence of hydrogen peroxide disappears very quickly when the honey is subjected to heat, light or enzymes in body fluids, which is the case of most "conventional" honeys.
Manuka honey can ALSO contain another healing agent, nothing to do with hydrogen peroxide.
It is this non-hydrogen peroxide agent that makes Manuka honey unique.
On top of this, when you take Manuka honey out of the test tube and into the real world, you'll find that Manuka is not degraded by heat or light, it remains stable even under gamma radiation treatment, and more importantly, unlike the antibacterial agents in normal honey, those in Manuka honey are not destroyed by the body’s enzymes.
A number of more recent trials using Manuka with high antibacterial power have shown more dramatic healing effects.