This vision of embeddable wireless connectivity has been in development for several years at AT&T
Laboratories Cambridge in the context of the Pico net project and is also being pursued, although with
emphasis on different aspects, by several other groups including Home RF IrDA which uses infrared instead of
radio and Bluetooth . Everyone including potential users knows that wireless networking is more prone to
passive eavesdropping attacks. But it would be highly misleading to take this as the only, or even the main,
security concern. In this paper we investigate the security issues of an environment characterized by the
presence of many principals acting as network peers in intermit tent contact with each other. To base the
discussion on a concrete example we shall consider a wireless temperature sensor. Nearby nodes may be
authorized to request the current temperature, or to register a watch that will cause the thermometer to send out
a reading when the temperature enters a specific range. We wish to make our thermometer useful in the widest
range of environments including environmental monitoring, industrial process control and medicine. We will
therefore consider how we can enable our thermometer to support all the security properties that might be
required, including on dentiality, integrity and availability. Contrary to academic tradition, however, we shall
examine them in the opposite order, as this often and certainly in our case reflects their actual importance.
First, however, we have to mention some of the resource constraints under which such networks operate.
2. AD-HOC WIRELESS NETWORKSThis vision of embeddable wireless connectivity has been in development for several years at AT&TLaboratories Cambridge in the context of the Pico net project and is also being pursued, although withemphasis on different aspects, by several other groups including Home RF IrDA which uses infrared instead ofradio and Bluetooth . Everyone including potential users knows that wireless networking is more prone topassive eavesdropping attacks. But it would be highly misleading to take this as the only, or even the main,security concern. In this paper we investigate the security issues of an environment characterized by thepresence of many principals acting as network peers in intermit tent contact with each other. To base thediscussion on a concrete example we shall consider a wireless temperature sensor. Nearby nodes may beauthorized to request the current temperature, or to register a watch that will cause the thermometer to send outa reading when the temperature enters a specific range. We wish to make our thermometer useful in the widestrange of environments including environmental monitoring, industrial process control and medicine. We willtherefore consider how we can enable our thermometer to support all the security properties that might berequired, including on dentiality, integrity and availability. Contrary to academic tradition, however, we shallexamine them in the opposite order, as this often and certainly in our case reflects their actual importance.First, however, we have to mention some of the resource constraints under which such networks operate.
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