DD: You mention looking a certain way and there's always been a physical scrutiny on you and the rest of Girls' Generation. Your face, your hair and clothes are consistently commented on. How do you deal with that?
Tiffany: At first it always bothers you even though you say it doesn't. But I think if you want to exceed limits, you have to suck that all in and be happy with what you have. At first it was painful to watch all those things but now I take it as constructive criticism or I don't bother to look at it.
DD: Your 2014 tour schedules aren't finalised, but if you could play anywhere where would that be?
Tiffany: LA and New York. I do hope that I'll be able to perform back home with our tour. I think it'll feel good because I have family fly over to watch (in Asia) but it's not the same as performing to them where I was raised. I have a house in LA now, so all the members could stay with me instead of a hotel. A home away from home.
DD: The average age in Girls' Generation is around 24. Your personal priorities must have changed greatly in the past few years. What do you want in the near future?
Tiffany: GG will continually do what we do but there'll be a time where all the girls can do what they want. I'd like to pursue music back home because I still tend to express myself better through my mother language – English – and it's something I've been dreaming about and would like to achieve. I think it's about being happy. I am happy now, I get to go out on stage and show something new. That's the joy of doing what you love to do.