No significant differences were found in the bioaccumulation
capability of both species or mg of As/kg of plant. Nevertheless
the removal rate for L. minor was lower (140 mg As/ha d) with a removal
recovery of 5%. The Water Hyacinth had a removal rate of
600 mg As/ha d and a removal recovery of 18%, under the conditions
of the assay. The removal efficiency of Water Hyacinth was
higher due to the biomass production. The climatic conditions of
the experiment area was more adequate for the Water Hyacinth
and influence the removal capability of the species. The arsenic
contamination at the level of 0.15 mg/L did not influence the development
of the species. The Water Hyacinth represents a reliable
alternative for arsenic bioremediation in waters under the climatic
conditions of very dry tropical forest in Tarabana, Edo. Lara,