Unwrapped wire rods are subject to claims for scoring, nicking, twisting and tangling. Such wire has in many instances to undergo redrawing. Scoring and nicking may result in the wire breaking in the dies and evidence of the defects is carried on in the drawn material. Twisting and tangling causes delays on the production line. The following clauses can be used:
"Strapping bands slack and converging. Bundles slack and leaning to one side."
"End windings twisted and/or tangled."
"Percentage of visible windings nicked, scored, chafed."
Wrapped goods
Wrapped wire rods are usually destined for prestressing purposes, wire for musical instruments and tyre cord, etc. Any defects whatsoever will undoubtedly result in claims. This is delicate material and the following clauses can be used:
"Packing locally chafed where handling gear marked."
"(Number of coils) packing locally torn, partly torn, visible contents scored, chafed, rusty.