The dominant cultural dimension that affected organization–public relationships
in these three nations during this crisis was uncertainty avoidance. Hofstede’s
uncertainty avoidance index examines the ability of humans to cope with
uncertainty.51 Table 1 shows that Belgium, France, and Spain all scored extremely
high—Hofstede’s 30 nation mean was 64. The high score on this index describes
cultures that experience high anxiety for unexpected; low risk taking; and a concern
for security, safety, and explicit rules. Belgians have a low tolerance for any
type of uncertainty. In the case of Coca-Cola tainting scare, high uncertainty
avoidance would negatively affect the organization–public relationship because
there is “pessimism about the motives behind company activities.”52
France, a nation that dislikes the entry of any global products into its culture,
was directly affected by the tainting. A Perrier water recall occurred in France in the
early 1990s. During the summer of 1999, consumers in France reported illness at
the same time as the Belgian school children. Indeed, although the majority of the
illnesses were in Belgium, the factory where the Coca-Cola products were made
was located in Dunkirk, France. In an attempt to minimize uncertainty, the French
government closed down the Dunkirk manufacturing plant. Public discussion
centered on public distrust of multinational companies selling their products in
France and blamed multinationals for causing economic problems for national
The dominant cultural dimension that affected organization–public relationshipsin these three nations during this crisis was uncertainty avoidance. Hofstede’suncertainty avoidance index examines the ability of humans to cope withuncertainty.51 Table 1 shows that Belgium, France, and Spain all scored extremelyhigh—Hofstede’s 30 nation mean was 64. The high score on this index describescultures that experience high anxiety for unexpected; low risk taking; and a concernfor security, safety, and explicit rules. Belgians have a low tolerance for anytype of uncertainty. In the case of Coca-Cola tainting scare, high uncertaintyavoidance would negatively affect the organization–public relationship becausethere is “pessimism about the motives behind company activities.”52France, a nation that dislikes the entry of any global products into its culture,was directly affected by the tainting. A Perrier water recall occurred in France in theearly 1990s. During the summer of 1999, consumers in France reported illness atthe same time as the Belgian school children. Indeed, although the majority of theillnesses were in Belgium, the factory where the Coca-Cola products were madewas located in Dunkirk, France. In an attempt to minimize uncertainty, the Frenchgovernment closed down the Dunkirk manufacturing plant. Public discussioncentered on public distrust of multinational companies selling their products inFrance and blamed multinationals for causing economic problems for national
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