A number
of studies on camp sites (Dorfman, 1979; Fick and
Ritchie, 1991), events (Crompton and Love, 1995), restaurants
(Yuksel and Rimmington, 1998) and visitor destinations
(Fallon and Schofield, 2004) have demonstrated the
superiority of the ‘performance-only’ conceptualisation
over the other models. The ‘performance-only’ model was
therefore used to examine overseas visitors’ perceptions
of urban public transport quality and the contribution of
relevant performance dimensions to their overall satisfaction
with the destination. Thus, the two key objectives of
the paper were:
A numberof studies on camp sites (Dorfman, 1979; Fick andRitchie, 1991), events (Crompton and Love, 1995), restaurants(Yuksel and Rimmington, 1998) and visitor destinations(Fallon and Schofield, 2004) have demonstrated thesuperiority of the ‘performance-only’ conceptualisationover the other models. The ‘performance-only’ model wastherefore used to examine overseas visitors’ perceptionsof urban public transport quality and the contribution ofrelevant performance dimensions to their overall satisfactionwith the destination. Thus, the two key objectives ofthe paper were:
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