Stress -strain curves for some samples of Asparagus Acutifolius n. 1, resulting from laboratory tests, are shown in
Figure 4. Values of tensile strength ranging from 2.5 to 8 MPa were observed. Figure 5 shows root tensile strength
as a function of root diameter. Results indicate that the smaller the diameter, the greater the tensile strength of the
4. Conclusions
In recent years, the practice of using natural stabilizing works to increase shear resistance and stiffness of soils
has become widespread. Roots role in strengthening soil at the ground surface and the contribution of root tensile
strength in improving slope stability is also recognized by geotechnical engineers.
In the present work native species plants roots tensile strength for the center of Sicily has been investigated by
laboratory tests. It has been observed that roots tensile strength is affected by various external factors such as flora
species, root diameter and environmental conditions. Results of experimental tests indicate that the tensile strength
of the root of Asparagus ranges between 2.5 and 8 MPa so it could be successfully utilized for stabilization of
shallower slides and erosion control