1. Spontaneous speaking in class discussions. Listen respectfully. Learners must freely speak on their own questions, with comments in the classroom, and participate in conversation. Speak from your own experience and knowledge. Share air time, wait your turn. No name calling or blaming.
2. In-class presentations. Learners will prepare speaking/discussion topics assigned in small groups. Don’t assume to know what other people think or feel. Speak from your own experience and knowledge. Share air time, wait your turn. No name calling or blaming.
3. Homework. Homework assignments must be completed and turned in during the next class. Homework that is late (without formal absence excuse), or copied from other learners, will be given 0 points.
4. Attendance and punctuality. An 80% attendance record is mandatory. Tardy arrivals will be penalized.
5. Group work. Learners are expected to participate fully in group work activities. (In-class presentations.) Respect confidentiality and privacy.
6. Quizzes. Quizzes will cover important information presented in class; therefore, learners should take accurate notes.
7. In-class assignments. Learners will be given assignments in class as assigned from time to time.
8. Class notes, book. Learners will maintain class notes. In-class assignments must also be included. This must be turned in at the end of the semester and shown to the teacher when requested.