Thank you very much for your reply. We have received our remittence. Our problem is not the remittence. The problem was his behaviour. He made us feel like we are thieves and held on to our Card. He demanded a Passport of Mr. Multi Currency. Because of him deducting the amount, we could not even shop from any other store. Apart from all this, nearly INR 8000.00 (aprox 130 USD) has been duducted from our card due to bank fees.
I am not a person who is demanding any compensation but i really want some justice. I feel so humilated and cheated. How can that un educated man, who knows no english, hold me up and make me feel like a Thief? How can he make my wife and children cry? Its not done.
If he had any issues, he should have not charged my card. Maybe we could have shopped from another shop in the duty free.
I do not know what can be done. I leave the decision to you.
Thank you for listening to us.