The third problem is when bullies cyberbully their victims that it may lead to make them to get ti the point of thinking about suicide. These innocent teenagers feel that it is the only way to avoid cyberbullying. According to the website (, many students that are victims of cyberbullying will try to commit suicide, because they are feeling depression, and loss of interest in life; also they feel completely pressured by their peers. Victims of bullying are two to nine times more likely to consider committing suicide. Those students that are bullying other students should be suspended and sent to a psychologist until they no longer bully students at their schools. Also the parents of those students should be sent to a psychologist, because most of the time students see their parents arguing or fighting all the time, The don't show their children the love that they need, because they are busy arguing and fighting. The most important this is they do not spend time with their children. They are too busy with their work of things they have to get done before it is late.