「It seems that he’ll be back by tomorrow morning」
Towards Kiryuu’s words, who had refrained from speaking and was silent for a long time, Tasuku again smiled wryly.
「Well it’s about him. I knew he would say that」
「Since that child loves Erika. Even if it’s training, wouldn’t it be too much to make Harold-kun fight against him?」
「It’ll probably be fine. From Juno’s report, it seems like Harold-kun is quite skilled. It shouldn’t become one-sided」
Nonetheless, even Tasuku didn’t think that Itsuki would lose. Anyway, those 2 clashing will be quite amusing- that sudden impulse which had a touch of youth flashed across his face.
「You’re making a bad face, dear」
「Unthinkable. It’s just that my heart is dancing looking at children who have a bright future」
「Master is also still youthful, is it?」
「Ha ha, no mistake」
「Haa, no matter how old, boys will be boys」
Koyomi felt exasperated and sighed at Tasuku and Kiryuu nodding and grinning.
Harold, who wasn’t even aware that the adults were talking about these things, was satisfied that things went well even though there were some unexpected situations, and savoring the feeling of the futon which he hadn’t felt in a long time, he went to sleep.