With regard to oleic cooperatives in particular, López Ontiveros (1982) undertook a detailed analysis of the
sector. Tous and Romero (1993, 1994a, 1994b) did study the sector in Spain and its guarantee of origin (Note 1).
Fortuny (2002) also analyzed the oleic sub-sector in Catalonia (Spain). Domingo and Loma-Ossorio (1991)
studied oil olive cooperatives in Andalusia, with particular emphasis on their management and possible solutions
to the problems they faced. Vargas (1993) reviewed the olive oil industry in the Huelva province. Pérez Rojas
(1997) studied cooperative management through a review of the accounting systems of olive oil cooperatives in
Córdoba. Torres Ruíz (1998) studied the marketing of olive oil from the perspective of the commercialization of
the product in Jaén. Mozas (2004) conducted a survey questionnaire of the internal organization of the olive oil
companies in Jaén. Senise et al. (2008) analyzed the situation of cooperatives in the olive oil sector in Jaén
(Spain) to see whether they are developing a reactive or proactive attitude towards sustainable development.
Carlos Morales et al. (2003) explored the roots of the co-operative movement in the food oil sector. Montegut et
al. (2007) analyzed the features of the Catalan olive oil mills cooperatives.