The bogus taste test presented participants with two bowls of food – crisps (100 g; Tesco Ready Salted, 5.45 kcal/g) and chocolate buttons (210 g; Tesco Milk Chocolate Buttons, 5.4 kcal/g); these quantities were selected because they appeared as similar portions when presented in two medium-sized bowls. In addition, no participants had eaten more than 90 g of crisps in Experiment 1, so we offered 100 g. For the taste test, participants were asked to complete a 2 page questionnaire (based on Houben, 2011) with open-ended questions asking how they would describe various different aspects of the two foods (such as sweetness, saltiness and taste), along with Likert scales measuring palatability of the two foods (on a scale of 1–10) and usual frequency of consumption.