o how does Tesco plan to meet such demand? It’s new concept is to use it’s warehouses to pick goods selected by customers rather than shop floors. According to the article, the new approach seems to be working much better in terms of the way in which products are picked:
“The automation of ‘goods to person’ at the new Erith facility was enabling it to pick products almost three times faster than in its stores.”
It’s clear from Tesco’s actions that online grocery shopping is growing at a rapid rate and may see others offering this service having to come up with quicker, more productive ways to meet customer demand. Switching some of it’s focus away from picking products in-store demonstrates the benefits of warehousing. In addition to helping find products quicker, warehouses can reduce costs too.
By outsourcing your warehousing to CCL, you can not only turn your fixed costs into variable costs, you’ll create more space within your own storage facilities, perhaps for a new product line.
In partnership with some of Europe’s leading warehousing companies, we offer competitive rates on a full warehousing and distribution service in a large number of prime locations. Our partners have been chosen for the strategic location of their depots and warehouse facilities, their experienced management teams and flexible workforces.
- See more at: http://www.ccl-logistics.com/blog/warehousing/the-benefits-of-warehousing-demonstrated-by-tesco/#sthash.zr91aqLe.dpuf