Julian stood up to go, and Macon struggled on to his crutches. Edward, hearing sounds of departure, went mad, barking and running about in the doorway, trying to prevent anybody from leaving Edward, stop it!' Macon shouted over the noise.
They moved toward the front door, and when Edward tried to block it, Macon bent down to pick up the end of the leash and pull Edward away. When Edward felt the leash, he growled fiercely, turned and buried his teeth in Macon's hand.
"Whoa, there!" Julian said. "Macon? Did he get you?'
Macon looked down at his bleeding hand. "I'm all right.
l wouldn't have a dog like that, Julian said. "I'd shoot him."
Edward was now sitting quietly, looking ashamed. "Why don't you go now, Julian, while he's calm," Macon said.
Julian slid through the door sideways, looking back at Edward. "That is not a well dog,' he said as he disappeared.
Macon tapped his way on his crutches to the kitchen and found Rose and Charles there with Porter, who had now returned from his failed walk with Edward.
"Rose? Macon said. "Edward's given me a little sort of bite.
The three of them turned to look at Macon's hand, which was now hurting him quite a lot. "Oh, Macon!" Rose cried.
'You need to get that properly cleaned," Charles told him.
"You need to get rid of that dog," Porter said.
"lt was an accident," Macon said. "He didn't mean any harm.'
'Didn't mean any harm? Huh! You should get rid of him.
"I can't," Macon said. "Why not?"
They waited.
"He's not a bad dog at heart, Macon said. "Just a bit excitable.
And he'd been Ethan's.
Ethan had brushed him, bathed him, rolled with him on the
floor, played ball with him in the yard. When Edward fell over the ball in his enthusiasm, Ethan's laugh rang out so high and clear, such a joyful sound floating through the summer evening.
"I just can't,' Macon said.
There was a silence.
Rose was gently bandaging his hand. "Maybe he should have some obedience training. How about that woman you told us about, at the Meow-Bow? Why don't you call her?
Maybe will," Macon said. He wouldn't, of course. The woman had seemed a bit strange to him.
On Sunday morning Edward tried to attack a neighbor who'd stopped by to borrow a tool. On Sunday afternoon he threw himself at Porter to stop him leaving the house. Porter had to slip out the back when Edward wasn't watching. On Monday, when Edward went for a walk with Rose, he attacked a passing runner and his leash pulled Rose off her feet.
She came home with a painful knee. "Have you called the Meow-Bow yet?" she said. "Not quite," Macon said.
Rose looked at him in a strange way. Later, Macon realized it was a kind of pity.
"Meow-Bow Animal Hospital.
"This is, ah, Macon Leary. Is Muriel there, please?'
"Oh, Macon! Hi there! How's Edward doing?'
"Well, he's getting worse. He's been attacking people, and growling and biting, chewing things….”
Muriel offered to come out five or six times a week to give training lessons at five dollars a lesson. That's a special fee for a friend," she said. "Mostly l charge ten dollars.