Is the author an expert in the field?
Is the author affiliated with a reputable university, government agency, or organization?
Has the author published other articles or books?
Has the author provided any contact information?
Is the information from a scholarly or peer-reviewed source?
Is the publisher well known, such as a university, government agency, or well-known organization or a company?
Is the information correct and based on proven facts?
Are facts cited and verified with references, footnotes, or a bibliography?
Is similar information available in other sources such as scholarly articles?
Does the information report facts, or does it offer personal opinions of the author?
What is the purpose of the information? Is it intended to inform, or entertain? Is it objective or biased?
Is the information up-to-date?
Is there evidence of newly added or updated information?
If the information is dated, is it still suitable for your topic?
If any of your sources do not meet these three criteria, you should consider finding other information.