The more obvious ones rerate directly to productivity. Indication that job performance is declining may include production decreases lower quality more accident and higher scrap or rejection rate. Any of these outcome might suggest that worker skill need to be find tune. Of course we are assuming that the employee performance decline is in no way rerate to lack of effort. Manager too must also recognize that a constantly evolving workplace may require training. Change impose on employee as result of job redesign or a technological breakthrough also require training.
It is important to put training into perspective. Training may be costly and it should not be view as a cure-all for that ail the organization. Rather judge training by it contribution to performance where performance is a function of skill abilities motivation and the opportunity to perform. Manager must also compare the value receive from performance increases attributable to training with the costs that training incurred.
Once it has been determined that training is necessary training goal must be established. Management should explicitly state it desire result for each employee. It is not adequate to say way want change in employee knowledge skill attitude or behavior we must clarify what is to change and by how must. These goal should be tangible verifiable timely and measurable. They should be clear to both the supervisor and the employee. For instance a firefighter might be expect to jump from a moving fire truck traveling at fifteen miles per hour successfully hook up a four-inch hose to a hydrant and turn on the hydrant all in less than forty seconds. Such explicit goals ensure that both the supervisor and the employee know what is expect from the training effort.