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Land Registration
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About the work of the Land Registration division
The service provided to the public, formerly the Adjudicator to HM Land Registry is to resolve disputes about registered land in England and Wales arising under the Land Registration Act 2002. Most of these disputes are referred by the Land Registry. The judges in the Land Registration division are judges with specialist knowledge of land registration law and other aspects of property law.
In the future, this division will also determine appeals against decisions of the Land Registry concerning Network Access Agreements.
The Land Registry keeps and updates the register of titles to land in England and Wales. If a person wishes to alter the register that person will apply to the Land Registry to make that change.
The Land Registry will normally give notice of the application to others who may be interested in the land in question before making any changes. If somebody who is given notice objects to the application and the parties cannot resolve their dispute by agreement the Land Registry will refer the dispute to the Land Registration division unless it considers either the application or the objection to be groundless.
It will then be dealt with in a similar way to the way in which a court would do so. If you want to find out more about the Land Registry, you can visit the Land Registry website.
Applications to rectify correct or cancel documents (for example a transfer) relating to registered land are also dealt with by the Land Registration division. These cases are sent in directly by solicitors and members of the public.
Rules and Practice Directions
Proceedings in Land Registration cases before the Tribunal are governed by the Tribunal Procedure (First-tier Tribunal) (Property Chamber Rules 2013) and by Practice Directions issued by the Senior President of Tribunals on 30 July 2013.
Decisions published by the tribunal and previously by the Adjudicator to HM Land Registry can be viewed on the Tribunals Judiciary website.
The tribunal has produced:-
a general Short Guide for Users
a leaflet explaining how to challenge a Tribunal decision
Both applicable to Land Registration cases.
Related pages
Land Registration contacts
Land Registration forms
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