LINE Creators Market Terms and Conditions of Use
The LINE Creators Market Terms and Conditions of Use (the "Terms and Conditions") set forth the terms between LINE Corporation ("LINE") and users ("Creator" or "Creators") of any services or features of the LINE Creators Market provided by LINE (the "Service").
1. Definitions
The following words and terms shall have the meanings set forth below when they are used in the Terms and Conditions.
1.1. "Materials" means images, text and any other materials used to produce Contents.
1.2. "Contents" means digital content, such as stickers, which may be used in internet communication services operated by LINE under the brand name "LINE" and its related services (collectively, "LINE Services"), using Materials and Programs.
1.3. "Programs" means application software, computer programs, code and any other information provided by LINE to Creators under the Terms and Conditions.
1.4. "Separate Terms and Conditions" means any documents pertaining to the Service and provided or uploaded by LINE, such as "agreements", "guidelines", and "policies".
2. Consent to the Terms and Conditions
2.1. Creators may use the Service only in accordance with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions. Creators may not use the Service unless they validly and irrevocably consent to the Terms and Conditions.
2.2. By consenting to the Terms and Conditions, each Creator represents and warrants that the Creator is of the legal age of majority in the jurisdiction in which the Creator resides. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Creator is the parent or legal guardian of minor between the ages of 13 and the legal age of majority, the Creator may allow the minor to use the Creator’s account for the Service solely under such Creator’s supervision and only in accordance with the Terms and Conditions. In such case, the Creator is liable for any acts committed by the minor. If a Creator uses the Service on behalf of, or for the purposes of, a business enterprise, then that business enterprise shall also be deemed to have consented to the Terms and Conditions, thereby concluding a valid and irrevocable agreement between LINE and the business enterprise.
2.3. By actually using the Service, Creators are deemed to have validly and irrevocably consented to the Terms and Conditions.
2.4. If there are Separate Terms and Conditions for the Service, Creators shall also comply with the provisions of the Separate Terms and Conditions as well as the Terms and Conditions.
3. Modification of the Terms and Conditions
LINE may modify the Terms and Conditions or Separate Terms and Conditions at any time deemed necessary by LINE and without providing prior notice to Creators. The modified Terms and Conditions or Separate Terms and Conditions become effective upon their posting on an appropriate location within the website operated by LINE. By continuing to use the Service after a change to the Terms and Conditions or Separate Terms and Conditions, Creators are deemed to have validly and irrevocably consented to the modified Terms and Conditions or Separate Terms and Conditions. Notifications regarding the modification to Terms and Conditions may not be provided individually to Creators. Creators are encouraged to refer to the current version of the Terms and Conditions on a regular basis when using the Service.
4. Account
4.1. When Creators provide information about the Creator to LINE when using the Service, such information shall be true, accurate, complete, and kept up-to-date. Creators are required to register their name (in the case where the Creator is a business enterprise, the name of the business enterprise, name of legal representative of the business enterprise, and name of account manager), address, phone numbers, e-mail address, information necessary to process payments, and LINE account information. Please refer to the LINE Terms and Conditions of Use for use of LINE accounts.
4.2. If a Creator register a password for using the Service, the Creator shall, on its own responsibility, manage the password with due care to prevent any unauthorized use. Any act conducted by using a registered password shall be considered the act of the account’s Creator.
4.3. Creators who have registered for the Service may delete their accounts and withdraw from using the Service at any time.
4.4. LINE may reject the registration for Creator’s account or suspend or delete a Creator's account without giving prior notice to the Creator, if LINE believes that the Creator (in the case where the Creator is a business enterprise, its representatives, officers, employees, persons who substantially have the power to direct its management, agents or brokers) is or is likely to be one of the following:
1) a terrorist organization, criminal organization or any other organization similar or analogous thereto, or a person or organization that makes a demand accompanied by the use or threat of force or arms, or that engages in any illegal or unjust acts similar or analogous thereto (hereinafter referred to as “Anti-Social Forces”), a member of or a quasi-member of an Anti-social Force, related or associated with an Anti-social Force, or a person or company that has a close relationship or association (including, but not limited to, the provision of funds or any other benefits) with any of the foregoing;
2) any person or company that has harmed, or there is a possibility that such person or company may harm, the reputation of LINE;
3) any person or company that has violated, or there is the possibility of a violation of, the Terms and Conditions and any applicable laws and regulations;
4) in addition to all (1) through (3) above, any person or company that LINE, under reasonable criterion, determines as inappropriate to execute the Service.
4.5. A Creator’s rights to the Service expire when the Creator’s account has been deleted irrespective of the reason. Creators should be aware that such an account cannot be reactivated even if the account was accidentally deleted by the Creator.
4.6. Each account for the Service belongs solely to the account’s Creator. Unless otherwise set forth herein, Creators shall not transfer (including by inheritance) or lend their accounts to any third party.
5. Privacy
5.1. LINE places its highest priority on the privacy of Creators.
5.2. LINE uses the personal information obtained from Creators through the Service only for identification, contact, examination, payment, prevention of improper use, promotion of smooth use of the Service, improvement of the Service, creation of statistical data, and administrative work necessary for the Service. LINE follows the provisions of the LINE Privacy Policy regarding the handling of personal information.
5.3. LINE exercises its utmost care and attention regarding security measures for the secure management of information received from Creators.
6. Provision of the Service
6.1. Creators shall, on their own responsibility and expense, prepare personal computers, mobile phone devices, communication devices, operating systems, data connections, and electricity necessary for their use of the Service.
6.2. LINE reserves the right to limit a Creator’s access to the Service, or part thereof, based on age, the status of identification and the registered information of the Creator, and any other conditions deemed necessary by LINE.
6.3. LINE reserves the right to modify or cease, at its own discretion, the Service and related services in their entirety or partially, at any time without any prior notice to the Creators.
7. Services of Business Partners
The Service may include content or services provided by other business partners cooperating with LINE. In such case, the business partner providing such content or services bears all responsibility thereof. Use of such content or services may be subject to the terms and conditions or other regulations set forth by the business partners.
8 Production and Use of Contents
8.1. Creators may produce the Contents using the Materials and the Programs and submit the Contents to LINE by the method designated by LINE for the review conducted by LINE for the distribution of the Contents. LINE grants to Creators a non-transferable, non-sublicensable and non-exclusive license to use the Programs for the sole purpose of producing the Contents within the Service. Except for the rights expressly granted to Creators herein, all rights in or relating to the Programs are the proprietary property of LINE or a third party who has granted the use rights to use to LINE.
8.2. LINE will review the Contents provided by a Creator pursuant to Clause 8.1 above in accordance with the guidelines separately set forth by LINE and notify the review result to the Creator. If LINE determines in the review that the Contents are appropriate, LINE may distribute the Contents on a fee basis (including exchanges with virtual currencies issued by LINE) within the services operated by LINE under the name of "LINE" and "LINE STORE", and provide the Contents to users of LINE Services.
8.3 LINE may distribute the Contents from the date and in the territory selected by the Creator. LINE will suspend or terminate the distribution upon Creator's request made in a manner designated by LINE. LINE may restrict, suspend, or terminate the distribution of the Contents without the prior consent of Creator, if LINE determines that the Contents or the distribution of the Contents are inappropriate.
8.4. Creators acknowledge that LINE users who have received the Contents may continue the use thereof after the termination of the distribution of the Contents or the contractual relationship between the Creator and LINE hereunder.
8.5. Creators acknowledge that LINE and its business partners may use the Content and/or messages posted by LINE users, with the consent of such users, during the term and after the termination of the con