Welcome ladies and gentelmen. We are going to talk about “ The Distribution of Wealth”. This topic is important because For many the issue of financial wealth is very important, not only because of the financial status associated with it, but also because it enables prompt access to invaluable services. We are going to talk about two points.
One : Household Wealth
The wealth share of America’s top 3 percent, Fed researchers calculate, rose from 44.8 percent of the nation’s wealth in 1989 to 51.8 percent in 2007 and 54.4 percent in 2013. The top 3 percent now hold over double the wealth of America’s poorest 90 percent of families.
Two : The Racial Wealth Divide
The Great Recession, a new Pew Research Center analysis of Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances data shows, has deepened the longstanding racial and ethnic wealth divide in the United States. The typical white family held a net worth six times greater than the typical black family at the end of the 20th century. That gap has now doubled. The wealth gap between white and Hispanic households has widened as well.