his New User (Basic) search form allows for searching of the most commonly searched fields: word marks, serial or registration numbers, and owners.
The Combined Word Mark is the default search field and includes the word mark and translation.
Use the $ for truncation in any field. For Combined Word Mark searches, the * is a more efficient truncation operator for left and/or right truncation. For example, the search term *DOG* with the Combined Word Mark will retrieve marks with common variations of the word DOG in the word mark or translation statements. Use of the $ truncation operator sometimes results in a truncated hit list.
For serial number or registration number searches, enter the 8-digit serial number (e.g. 75123456) or 7-digit registration number (e.g., 1234567) and select Serial or Registration Number as the Field for the search. If multiple serial or registration numbers are searched, separate the numbers by spaces and change the Results Must Contain value to Any Search Terms (OR). (Alternatively, separate the number by the Boolean OR operator without adjusting the Result Must Contain value.)
Do NOT include the apostrophe for contractions. For example, search for the word DON'T by searching DON T. Including Boolean operators (e.g., AND, OR, NOT) or proximity operators (e.g., ADJ, NEAR, SAME, WITH) in your search will override the Result Must Contain setting for the search. To actually search for these Boolean or proximity operators, include quotes around the operator.