Tornado A tornado is born from powerful atorm called a percen Tomadoes have been reported in all states. but mont tomadoes happen the certral parts or America called Tornado Aney." In some ranerorns. warm, moist air rises quickly into the Ermmphere Winds blowing dimerenr speedi dimerent parts the supereel produce wind ihear and cause a borizontal muting column of air A Munnel cled will farm as the air colummmtales fater and more tightly within the supercelL The rain and bal wiais are storm cause the funnel cloud to touch the ground resulting in a lamado The trength of rmado is measured by what's called the Fujits scale. The weakest tornadoes tearrre winds of 40 rs miles per bour, while the strongest tornadoes(Fs bave winds of up to 318 miles per hour An omasscescan people be devastating especially if they touch down in areas with lots of Tornado outbreak A tornado outreak occurs when one storm system produces mult tornadoes, some tornado outbreaks can result in the fo of dozens of tomadoe over several states. One particularly s powerful tornado outbreak occurred between April 25 and April 28 of 2011. where a record 355 tornadoes in 21 states and Canada were recorded an including an F5 tomado that completely destroyed parts of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Much of the destruction was caught on camera and broadcast across the country and internet. The same weather system produced bailstones that measured 4.5 inches across in southem Virginia. 328 pcople were killed as a result of the outbreak, wbich totaled over sul billion in damages The iro headed s used to