There are lots of places that sell essays to students these days. Some have great writers on the staff. The vast majority do not. Recently I have had a couple of students who asked me for some help with essays. A couple sent me drafts that were clearly not their work. They had purchased these essays from others and simply wanted me to do a bit of editing I think. The essays were terrible and it was clear that the diction and vocabulary were not those of a student. The author of one of these essays turns out to be a student at an Ivy in a graduate program. The student sells many versions of the same essay for 500-1000 dollars. Given the Ivy name this student has made quite a bit of money recycling a bad essay. If the essay you buy is being sold to others then you might well doom your chances for acceptance by using one of these.
After the intimal shock of getting essay written by people other than the student, I then convinced them to simply tell a story. It is actually a bit more complicated than that, but I have the results of working on essays with students and they have learned skills they will have for life. Writing details from something you know is just not that hard. Forget big words or structure or anything at the outset and just get details.
Once the concrete nouns and verbs are in place the act of putting them in an edited order is not that hard. I say this having had a lot of experience teaching, and working one on one with students on writing has been a great joy then and now.
One of the best pieces of writing that came across my computer this year was from a student who has very low testing but a personal narrative that is dramatic and moving. Once the focus was on the specifics rather than the abstractions the student did a great job.
You have some great stories to tell. We all do. You may not know which one you will write about yet, but if you do this well once now, then you will gain confidence and a willingness to continue to learn and to write.
Be careful of the essays you can buy. Most are really not very good.