These days, of course, not too many Australians are worried about the existence of such a creature. Interestingly though, most of the descriptions of the bunyip bear a close resemblance to a prehistoric creature called a Diprotodon, whose bones have been found in Australia. Some scientists think that the legend came from the Aborigines finding such prehistoric bones: when they were shown the remains of some extinct Australian animals, Aborigines would often identify them as the bunyip Is it possible that the bunyip was really a creature from the past? Or maybe it was just a story that the Aborigines invented to scare away their unwelcome visitors? [2] Tn the Himalayan mountains of Nepal and Tibet, some locals call him Meh Teh, others know him by the more familiar name of Yeti. But, whatever the name, most agree that a large ape-like man is living somewhere out there. The Yeti is perhaps the most famous of all mythological creatures, and many people have set out to find him. He is, allegedly a shy, hairy animal with thick brown or black fur and long arms reaching down to his knees, supposedly living in the forests of the Tibetan plateau. sono