A. Bandwidth Usage
To test the performance of BaCon, we generated web and
bittorrent traffic between internal and external hosts via
BaCon. To generate web traffic and bittorrent traffic, we used
wget [15] and utorrent [16] applications respectively.
First, we added a rule to allocate 50 Mbps for web traffic via
BaCon’s web interface. While we were downloading file from
server, we reduced the allowed rate for downloading web
traffic from 50 Mbps to 10 Mbps at around 13:50. The average download speed between 13:20 to 13:50 is 38.32 Mbps. The
average download rate between 13:50 to 14:10 is 9.12 Mbps.
The result shows that BaCon can shape web traffic as we
intended to as shown in Figure 7. Next, we tested BaCon with
bittorrent traffic. We added a new rule using the pre-defined
feature to shape bittorrent traffic at 3 Mbps and reduced it to 1
Mbps at around 10:30. Figure 8 shows that BaCon can also
shape bittorrent traffic accurately. In terms of system stability,
BaCon has been set up as a gateway for seven clients in the
Network Technology Lab, NECTEC. BaCon has been
handling the total bandwidth of 100 Mbps during January-
February 2008 with no instability problem.
A. Bandwidth UsageTo test the performance of BaCon, we generated web andbittorrent traffic between internal and external hosts viaBaCon. To generate web traffic and bittorrent traffic, we usedwget [15] and utorrent [16] applications respectively.First, we added a rule to allocate 50 Mbps for web traffic viaBaCon’s web interface. While we were downloading file fromserver, we reduced the allowed rate for downloading webtraffic from 50 Mbps to 10 Mbps at around 13:50. The average download speed between 13:20 to 13:50 is 38.32 Mbps. Theaverage download rate between 13:50 to 14:10 is 9.12 Mbps.The result shows that BaCon can shape web traffic as weintended to as shown in Figure 7. Next, we tested BaCon withbittorrent traffic. We added a new rule using the pre-definedfeature to shape bittorrent traffic at 3 Mbps and reduced it to 1Mbps at around 10:30. Figure 8 shows that BaCon can alsoshape bittorrent traffic accurately. In terms of system stability,BaCon has been set up as a gateway for seven clients in theNetwork Technology Lab, NECTEC. BaCon has beenhandling the total bandwidth of 100 Mbps during January-February 2008 with no instability problem.
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