Presentation Effectiveness – Look for well-organized presentations that clearly deliver the message. Note that the
presentation MUST demonstrate all three of the project aspects. It is not sufficient to cover Sharing (for example) only
during the question and answer part of the judging session.
Creativity – This criterion is probably the most subjective one for Project judges. Creativity is different for different
people. Look for presentations that stand out, are more entertaining, make you want to listen to the message more and
serve to enhance the delivery of the message instead of distract from it.
Sharing – The two main considerations here are “Did the team consider who might benefit from their solution, and
share it with them?” and “Did the team go beyond their comfort zone to share their ideas?” The first consideration
focuses on encouraging teams to share with a relevant and targeted audience, for example presenting a new insulin
delivery system to kids with juvenile diabetes. The second consideration focuses on encouraging teams to share their
information with people they don’t know so that they can become comfortable speaking about their ideas with anyone.
Note that a team does not necessarily have to share its FLL competition presentation with outside groups; they may
share the information and their solution in any manner they wish.