Health and welfare problems in organic pig production may differ from problems in conventional pig herds as a result of differences in management. Control of animal health problems in organic herds is affected by the restrictions in medicine use and prophylactic medication as well as by the risk of wildlife contact and difficulties in cleaning and disinfection imposed by the access to outdoor areas. To monitor risk factors for diseases and to control these risks factors as a means to prevent diseases, we suggest the implementation of health management based on Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (the HACCP concept). The development of a HACCP system requires the quantification of risk factors by means of epidemiological studies or alternatively by an expert panel. This paper describes a procedure for developing a HACCP system for welfare problems in organic sow herds. A panel of farm advisers assessed the impact of different risk factors on problems in organic pig production and suggested possible control points. Further work concentrates on evaluating the control points and drawing up action plans to include in the system. The advantage of HACCP in herd health management is the preventative approach focusing on risk factors. Additionally, the continuous documentation of observations and corrective actions integrated in the concept is important when evaluating the herd health management.