To our knowledge, no studies have been found that specifically measure empathy over time in a clinical setting among undergraduate nursing students. The results of this study raise questions as to why empathy declined in undergraduate nursing students during the course of their program. It has been reported that empathic encounters in the clinical environment lead to greater patient satisfaction and, in turn, nurse satisfaction (Olson, 1995). Further research is necessary to identify whether these findings are consistent among undergraduate nursing students in programs nationwide. Given that lower empathy scores have been associated with professional burnout of medical students and nurses (Bellini & Shea, 2005), future research is warranted to identify whether the findings from this study impact on patient outcomes and nursing students who eventually become practicing nurses.
Nursing is an art and a science. By promoting scientific inquiry into empathy and translating it into evidence-based practice, we leverage the science of nursing to substantiate the art of nursing and ultimately elevate its practice.