The six effective- ness classes are infusion measures (i.e., “organizational impacts” in the D&M IS Success Model), market measures (not covered in the D&M IS Success Model), eco- nomic measures (i.e., “organizationalimpacts”), usage measures (i.e., “system use”), perceptual measures (i.e., “user satisfaction”), and productivity measures (i.e., “indi- vidual impact”). Their framework considers “system quality” and “information qual- ity” to be antecedent effectiveness constructs, whereas the D&M IS Success Model considers them to be important dimensions of success itself. In summary, the Grover et al. IS effectiveness framework serves to validate the D&M IS Success Model
The six effective- ness classes are infusion measures (i.e., “organizational impacts” in the D&M IS Success Model), market measures (not covered in the D&M IS Success Model), eco- nomic measures (i.e., “organizationalimpacts”), usage measures (i.e., “system use”), perceptual measures (i.e., “user satisfaction”), and productivity measures (i.e., “indi- vidual impact”). Their framework considers “system quality” and “information qual- ity” to be antecedent effectiveness constructs, whereas the D&M IS Success Model considers them to be important dimensions of success itself. In summary, the Grover et al. IS effectiveness framework serves to validate the D&M IS Success Model
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