6.1.1 Organization
CONTRACTOR shall submit the organization chart and supply suitably qualified personnel that have the appropriate skills and competency records to perform in similar work.
During plant shutdown and start up, CONTRACTOR shall carry out the work as day and night shift according to proposed manpower plan and agreed from TTM , the recommendation for minimum manpower for each shift is as follows.
(a) Supervisor 1 person
(b) Safety Officer 1 person
(c) Foreman 1 person
(d) Skilled worker 8 persons for blind/support activities.
For mechanical day (between shutdown and startup period), CONTRACTOR shall perform the work only day shift with the following manpower as minimum;
(a) Supervisor 1 person
(b) Safety Officer 1 person
(c) Foreman 1 person
(d) Skilled worker 4 persons
6.1.2 Qualification
The qualification of the key personnel is proposed as follows;