Of the many technical subjects that naval personnel are expected to know, probably the one least
susceptible to change is the theory of wave propagation. The basic principles that enable waves to be
propagated (transmitted) through space are the same today as they were 70 years ago. One would think,
then, that a thorough understanding of these principles is a relatively simple task. For the electrical
engineer or the individual with a natural curiosity for the unknown, it is indeed a simple task. Most
technicians, however, tend to view wave propagation as something complex and confusing, and would
just as soon see this chapter completely disappear from training manuals. This attitude undoubtedly stems
from the fact that wave propagation is an invisible force that cannot be detected by the sense of sight or
touch. Understanding wave propagation requires the use of the imagination to visualize the associated
concepts and how they are used in practical application. This manual was developed to help you visualize