Character of the Panda Panda
. Physical
.Panda fur around the eyes, nose, ears, legs, shoulders and black, while the rest are white. A large molar. And strong jaw muscles for chewing bamboo. Which is its food.Make it look as cute creatures. But when it comes to a disaster. Panda bears have to fight like normal scientists think that the white - black panda may help it blend in with the environment, the mountains and the snow
.Size: height when standing four feet high, 2-3 feet from Panda foot to the shoulder. While standing 2 feet 4-6 feet measured weight of about 80 to 125 kg, males are heavier than females, 10 to 20%
behavior.Pandas usually eat in a sitting time. Which is similar to the ride. It uses its paws to hold bamboo while eating. Most of the time was spent on the holiday eating and foraging. Research early. Scientists think.To meet specific mating season only. But later research. Panda has found that living together in small groups. Each group has a common habitat areas.