Referring to the COPY of documents submitted to amend authorized signatories of the account suffix no.001/090/091, please find comments as follow :
Power Of Attorney dated 29/06/2015 : Please be informed that the original document required STAMP DUTY for all authorized signatories = THB 510 so, additional STAMP DUTY THB 480 is required because customer provided STAMP DUTY THB 30 only. Moreover, the original document require wet signed by authorized directors or if it is COPY, Certified True Copy by authorized directors is required.
Power Of Atttorney dated 28/08/2014 for account opening : is pending STAMP DUTY THB 510, so please provide the stamp duty.
Board Resolution dated 25/06/2015 (Thai version) : Please provide the original document with wet signed by chairman or if it is COPY, Certified True Copy by authorized directors under the condition in company's affidavit is required (two authorized directors jointly sign with company's seal affixing)
Signature card of Mr. Harald Werner Friederich : Please provide the reason that why permanent address is different from nationality and why residential address is same as company's address. The original document require wet signed by holder.
Certified True Copy passport of Mr. Harald Werner Friederich : please wet Certified True Copy by holder and independent certifier are required.
Certified True Copy Passport of authorized directors : please wet Certified True Copy by holder and independent certifier are required.
Company's affidavit : Please provide the original document or if it is COPY, Certified True Copy by authorized directors under the condition in company's affidavit and Certified True Copy by independent certifier are required ka.
Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any queries.