Process Criteria
a. The nurse approaches an individual, family, or community
with the intent to gain understanding of the emic (insider)
meanings, expressions, patterns of health, care, and caring as
lived and experienced by persons and groups (Leininger,
b. Thenurseobtains knowledge about the dynamic cultural and
social structural dimensions influencing health. These di-
mensions include religion, kinship, politics, economics, ed-
ucation, technology, cultural values and lifeways, language,
and the environmental context in which an individual, family, or community lives and from which they draw meaning
(Leininger, 1991).
c. The nurse invites an individual, family, or community to describe their own experiences about health and caring.
d. The nurse documents the description of an individual's, family's,orcommunity's culturaland social structure dimensions
that influence health patterns and concerns.