Based on the below forecast, we only have green weeks to fulfill the dead freight slots that is missing to achieve the allocation and allocation shortfall in November.
As mentioned, TMU wants to ensure that we are well prep for December actual listings but without any pro-active measures advised, TMU cannot sit here and wait.
I also seek to understand that special rate has been given by Aum from USD230/20'Gp down to USD210-220 for Lch to MAA and Usd325/20'Gp down to Usd270 for LKR.
But we have yet to see any improvements in the bookings.
While writing this message now, Aum, Mo, Aey, Cherry and self is looking at he customer list to identify which ones we can approach to confirm bookings.
However I would like to remind you that this is not TMU's jog to do. It is Agency.
Also we have received feedback that market rate is going up even to USD300/20'GP for INMAA! As Thailand grasps with a shortage of equipment.
Please tell me how Bkk agency can cover the unfilled slots?
Lionel Teo