Chronobiology might sound a little futuristic – like something from a  การแปล - Chronobiology might sound a little futuristic – like something from a  ม้ง วิธีการพูด

Chronobiology might sound a little

Chronobiology might sound a little futuristic – like something from a science fiction novel, perhaps – but it’s actually a field of study that concerns one of the oldest processes life on this planet has ever known: short-term rhythms of time and their effect on flora and fauna.

This can take many forms. Marine life, for example, is influenced by tidal patterns. Animals tend to be active or inactive depending on the position of the sun or moon. Numerous creatures, humans included, are largely diurnal – that is, they like to come out during the hours of sunlight. Nocturnal animals, such as bats and possums, prefer to forage by night. A third group are known as crepuscular: they thrive in the low-light of dawn and dusk and remain inactive at other hours.

When it comes to humans, chronobiologists are interested in what is known as the circadian rhythm. This is the complete cycle our bodies are naturally geared to undergo within the passage of a twenty-four hour day. Aside from sleeping at night and waking during the day, each cycle involves many other factors such as changes in blood pressure and body temperature. Not everyone has an identical circadian rhythm. ‘Night people’, for example, often describe how they find it very hard to operate during the morning, but become alert and focused by evening. This is a benign variation within circadian rhythms known as a chronotype.

Scientists have limited abilities to create durable modifications of chronobiological demands. Recent therapeutic developments for humans such as artificial light machines and melatonin administration can reset our circadian rhythms, for example, but our bodies can tell the difference and health suffers when we breach these natural rhythms for extended periods of time. Plants appear no more malleable in this respect; studies demonstrate that vegetables grown in season and ripened on the tree are far higher in essential nutrients than those grown in greenhouses and ripened by laser.

Knowledge of chronobiological patterns can have many pragmatic implications for our day-to-day lives. While contemporary living can sometimes appear to subjugate biology – after all, who needs circadian rhythms when we have caffeine pills, energy drinks, shift work and cities that never sleep? – keeping in synch with our body clock is important.

The average urban resident, for example, rouses at the eye-blearing time of 6.04 a.m., which researchers believe to be far too early. One study found that even rising at 7.00 a.m. has deleterious effects on health unless exercise is performed for 30 minutes afterward. The optimum moment has been whittled down to 7.22 a.m.; muscle aches, headaches and moodiness were reported to be lowest by participants in the study who awoke then.

Once you’re up and ready to go, what then? If you’re trying to shed some extra pounds, dieticians are adamant: never skip breakfast. This disorients your circadian rhythm and puts your body in starvation mode. The recommended course of action is to follow an intense workout with a carbohydrate-rich breakfast; the other way round and weight loss results are not as pronounced.

Morning is also great for breaking out the vitamins. Supplement absorption by the body is not temporal-dependent, but naturopath Pam Stone notes that the extra boost at breakfast helps us get energised for the day ahead. For improved absorption, Stone suggests pairing supplements with a food in which they are soluble and steering clear of caffeinated beverages. Finally, Stone warns to take care with storage; high potency is best for absorption, and warmth and humidity are known to deplete the potency of a supplement.

After-dinner espressos are becoming more of a tradition – we have the Italians to thank for that – but to prepare for a good night’s sleep we are better off putting the brakes on caffeine consumption as early as 3 p.m. With a seven hour half-life, a cup of coffee containing 90 mg of caffeine taken at this hour could still leave 45 mg of caffeine in your nervous system at ten o’clock that evening. It is essential that, by the time you are ready to sleep, your body is rid of all traces.

Evenings are important for winding down before sleep; however, dietician Geraldine Georgeou warns that an after-five carbohydrate-fast is more cultural myth than chronobiological demand. This will deprive your body of vital energy needs. Overloading your gut could lead to indigestion, though. Our digestive tracts do not shut down for the night entirely, but their work slows to a crawl as our bodies prepare for sleep. Consuming a modest snack should be entirely sufficient.
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Chronobiology yuav sound me ntsis futuristic – los ntawm kev kawm ntawv tseeb tshiab, tej yam xws li yog kab tias – tiam sis nws tseem ua tau ib daim teb ntawm txoj kev tshawb no uas kev txhawj xeeb hiob dab neej rau ntiaj chaw no muaj puas paub ib tug: tom rhythms sij hawm thiab lawv ntxim rau muaj thiab fauna.Qhov no muaj cuab kav yuav noj ntau hom. Marine lub neej, piv txwv li, yog tau luag licas thiab los ntawm cov tidal. Tsiaj yuav dhia los yog tsaug zog nyob ntawm qhov chaw ntawm lub hnub los yog hli. Heev heev creatures, tib neeg nyob, yuav lom zem ntau diurnal – ntawd ces yog lawv nyiam tawm tuaj thaum lub sij hawm hnub ci. Nocturnal tsiaj, xws li tus puav thiab possums, xum mus nrhiav mov noj thaum hmo ntuj. Ib pab pawg neeg thib peb paub li crepuscular: lawv nyiam nyob hauv tsawg-kaj kaj ntug thiab yuav luag tsaus ntuj thiab nyob tsis nquag ntawm lwm lub sij hawm.Thaum nws tawm los rau tib neeg, chronobiologists yog xav dab tsi paub yog li tus circadian atherosclerosis. Qhov no yog lub teb mus los peb lub cev muaj lawm geared mus undergo nyob rau hauv tus zaj muaj nees nkaum plaub teev hnub ntawd. Hauj tsaug zog thaum hmo ntuj thiab waking thaum nruab hnub, ib hlis yuav ntau zaug lwm yam xws li kev hloov nyob rau hauv cov ntshav thiab lub cev kub. Tsis muaj tus zoo tib yam circadian atherosclerosis. 'Ntuj neeg', piv txwv li, feem ntau txoj hau kev qhia li cas lawv nyuab muaj thaum sawv ntxov, tab sis yuav ceeb toom thiab teem los ntawm yav tsaus ntuj. Qhov no yog ib benign variation li circadian rhythms hu ua ib chronotype.Zaum yuav raug txwv peev xwm los ua check modifications uas zov chronobiological. Tsis ntev los no tshuaj uas rau tib neeg xws li cav tov dag lub teeb thiab melatonin no yuav pib dua peb circadian rhythms, piv txwv li, tab sis peb lub cev yuav qhia tau cov sib txawv thiab cov kev suffers thaum peb breach no rhythms ntuj dua ncua sij hawm. Nroj tsuag lawm malleable tsis muaj nyob hauv no hwm; kev tshawb fawb qha tias zaub zus nyob hauv lub caij thiab txi siav siav rau tsob ntoo muaj deb dua nyob hauv as-ham tseem ceeb dua cov noob rau hauv greenhouses thiab txi siav siav los laser.Tej kev paub cov qauv chronobiological yuav muaj ntau pragmatic hniav rau peb lub neej num. Thaum cov kawm nyob tau tej zaum yuav tshwm sim rau subjugate ib –, uas yuav tsum tau circadian rhythms thaum peb muaj caffeine ntsiav tshuaj, haus dej zog, ceev ua hauj lwm thiab lub zos uas yeej tsis tsaug zog? -khaws cia nyob rau ntawm synch rau peb lub cev moos yog ib yam tseem ceeb. Hauv nruab nrab nroog pej xeem, xws li, rouses qhov muag-blearing lub sijhawm ntawm 6.04 sawv ntxov, uas soj ntsuam ntawm ntseeg mus tau deb heev thaum ntxov. Ib txoj kev tshawb nrhiav tau tias txawm microscopic thaum 7.00 sawv ntxov muaj deleterious los ntawm kev tsuas yog ce yam li 30 feeb tom qab ntawd. Lub caij optimum muaj lawm whittled rau 7.22 sawv ntxov; mob ib ce, taub thiab moodiness tau muab tshaj tawm los yog tsawg tshaj plaws ntawm cov neeg koom siab uas mus tsa ces.Thaum koj nyob nraum txog thiab npaj mus, dab tsi ces? Yog koj nyob nraum sim tso ib co ntxiv phaus, dieticians no adamant: tsis txhob hla mus noj tshais. Qhov no disorients koj circadian atherosclerosis thiab txo nws hwj koj lub cev nyob rau hauv hom starvation. Pom zoo kawm kom ua tes hauj lwm yog ua raws li kev khaus workout nrog ib tug carbohydrate-nplua nuj tshais; rau lwm txoj kev uas muab thiab luj tsis tau yog tsis li pronounced.Sawv ntxov los kuj zoo kawg thiab kev rhuav tseg cov vitamins. Ntxiv haum lub cev tsis temporal-his tab sis pob zeb Pam naturopath notes uas tus boost ntxiv thaum noj tshais pab peb muab energised rau hnub tom ntej. Kom haum paub, pob zeb qhia pairing tshuaj muaj ib cov zaub mov uas muaj clear soluble thiab thaum uas tig kauj ntawm caffeinated dej haus. Thaum kawg, zeb warns rau saib xyuas nrog cia; potency siab zoo tshaj rau haum, thiab warmth thiab av noo paub deplete tus potency uas tau ntxiv.Zem hmo espressos yog qhov ntau dua ib tug kev lig kev cai – peb muaj lub Italians los ua tsaug rau cov uas – tiam sis los npaj rau tus zoo hmo ntawv pw peb zoo zoo tuaj muab tus brakes rau caffeine noj kom ntxov li 3 teev tsaus ntuj Nrog ib teev xya half-life, kas fes uas muaj 90 mg muaj caffeine noj hauv no teev ib khob kuj tseem tawm 45 mg muaj caffeine hauv koj lub paj hlwb thaum 10 teev ntawd yav tsaus ntuj. Nws yog ib qho tias, ua ntej koj yuav kom tsaug taus zog, koj lub cev yog tshem ntawm ib co kua tag nrho.Yav tsaus ntuj yog ib qho tseem ceeb rau winding ua ntej yuav pw tsaug zog; tiam sis, dietician Geraldine Georgeou warns uas muaj tsib lawb carbohydrate-vas nthiv yog tshaj kev cai lwm dua thov chronobiological. Qhov no yuav tsis pub ua koj lub cev uas tseem ceeb heev zog xav tau. Overloading koj plab yuav ua rau muaj kem plab, ho. Peb plab tracts tsis sib txuas rau hmo nkaus, tab sis lawv ua hauj lwm slows los tus swb li peb lub cev npaj siab rau kev pw tsaug zog. Haus lub txaj muag tsawg yuav tsum tau txaus nkaus.
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