Thailand have many city as very interesting ,now I want you to know about bangkok .Bangkok is a capital city in thailand also is a center of prosperity progress and transportation then has the modern shopping center such as Siamsquare ,Emquatier ,Siamparagon ,centralworld and Terminal21 etc. next Yaowarach Rd. or China town in Thailand is district of thai people chinese descent.It's has cutural traditional of chineses such as Chinese temple ,Chinese school and Chinese restaurants. and then This area have a many goods from china .If you want to know about Chinatown You can go at Yaowarach Rd. Next ,Rattanakosin Island has one of interesting place in here there is Wat pra khew or temple of the emerald buddha.This palace like a symbol of thailand .It's has historic centre of bangkok and Buddhist religionใ You can learn local of buddhist in pra na korn Rd.