Faction, the form and characteristics That His Majesty the King "Consider the dams budget. Material is cheap and easy to find in a local rock and gravel covered with mesh blocking the ditches, small streams periodically.The stored water will seep into the soil causes moisture to spread out on both sides. Further, it can be planted vegetation fire. Fast growing plants and trees do not shed leaves.
".......For wood that is based on the upstream side of the creek. Need to be so well preserved It will help conserve moisture. The area under the capillary channel and it should build small dams block water in the dams moisture.Thus creating a dam to divert water into the farmland...... "
His Majesty the King recognized the importance of the survival of forests. The major problem is a variant of the survival of the forest is "water" as something indispensable.Also called also called check dam. "Dams